A brief history of reiki
Reiki (pronounced “ray-kee”) is a healing technique that is used to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This energy work brings balance to the body and mind, promoting self healing. Its origin is Japanese, and experts trace it to before Sensi Usui, who was enlightened with the energy of reiki on Mount Kurama in 1922. Some say Usui was the founder of reiki, but Mataji Kawakami, a Japanese therapist, created a healing style called Reiki Ryoho. In 1919, Mataji Kawakami published “Reiki Ryoho to Sono Koka” (“Reiki Healing and Its Effects”). There were at least four other styles of reiki healing that were being practiced in Japan prior to Usui. 1
Before Usui’s death, he asked one of his students, Dr. Hayashi, to expand reiki based on his medical training in the Navy. Dr. Hayashi was pivotal in spreading reiki. He was the direct teacher of Mrs. Takata, who brought reiki to the West in 1937. She opened a healing studio, providing reiki in the United States with guidance from Dr. Hayashi. Mrs. Takata continued teaching and giving sessions until her death in 1980. 1
Tuning into your life energy for relaxation and awareness
Mandy is a trusted and certified Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki practitioner and teacher in Yellow Springs, Ohio. She offers reiki sessions and classes for those looking to experience this healing practice's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits.
We all have access to this spiritually guided life force energy. We can choose to become attuned to reiki through a class or simply receive the energy in a session. Reiki attunements are passed down from teacher to student. The development of this reiki energy is the responsibility of the student. It becomes a way of life, as the student learns to apply it to their own life . Then some learn how to assist humanity with this gift.
Reiki is very soothing for the nervous system, including the mind. Reiki assists in realigning the body, mind and spiritual connection that comes from within and beyond us innately. This connection contains great wisdom and love as it works to help us heal and transform our lives. Reiki energy moves us to a place of high consciousness with ease and grace. This frequency assists in raising our awareness, consciousness and love. Reiki protects us and has no religious dogma. People of all faiths and no faith can benefit from reiki. Many incorporate prayers or Jesus with reiki, and many with Buddhist backgrounds practice the benefits of reiki. This spiritually guided life force energy is accessible to all. Many people have sessions or take reiki classes to support their overall well-being.
Reiki is a fantastic companion to traditional medical care. Along with its ability to move energy, prevent illness, it also encourages wellness for body , mind and spirit. It allows for the body to align itself so that it can often heal itself or prevent illness.
Read on to learn what to expect in Mandy’s reiki sessions and how to get started.
What happens in a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki session?
A reiki session with Mandy at her studio in Yellow Springs usually lasts 90 minutes and includes guided meditation, chakra alignment and a comfortable guided reiki experience filled with love.
When you arrive, you can sit in the comfortable waiting area. Feel free to browse a newspaper or book and use the common area bathrooms. Mandy will greet you in front and walk you to her private healing space. Mandy always likes to chat before a session if her client is open to it. Conversation helps bring anything that needs to be released from the body to the surface. You may experience an emotional release while Mandy holds a beautiful space for you to clear energy and self-regulate. You may experience complete relaxation, a body, mind and soul connection, reduced anxiety, a feeling of deep love, and nervous system realignment, enabling your body to do its miraculous job of self-healing.
For an in person session, you will lie comfortably on a massage table, while Mandy gently guides you into complete relaxation with a guided meditation / experience. She hovers or gently places her hands over various areas of your body, such as your head and abdomen. This practice allows her to channel reiki energy into your body through her hands, which helps realign blocked energy pathways that may cause you mental or emotional distress, pain or discomfort. This work is done intuitively while you are in a complete state of relaxation. You are able to talk to let Mandy know how you are , if you need to. Most people go into a very deep state of relaxation. Some fall asleep. Reiki seep does not hinder the flow of reiki. Sometimes it actually enhances it, by removing the mind from its busy thoughts.
Mandy may also use crystals and other tools during the session to enhance the healing process, but these are not required. She offers a safe space to share thoughts or feelings during the session. Mandy actively listens with compassion and grace and explains how reiki guides her as a channel for its light. You may notice heat or vibration coming through her hands as she channels reiki to you.
Mandy is able to channel reiki to you from a distance as well. This can look like a connection via zoom, a phone call or a picture of you. The session works a bit different than in person reiki, but is very effective. Clients receive a complete reset and leave the session ready to tackle whatever life has thrown at them with calm. Many find this helpful to them as they heal from injuries, surgery and illness. Again, finding that place of nervous system regulation assists the body in it's miraculous job of self healing.
What Are The Benefits Of A Holy Fire® Reiki Session?
Reiki has many benefits, including reducing stress levels, improving overall well-being and moods throughout one’s day, promoting positive thinking patterns by being more aware of our thoughts and feelings, providing emotional balance by restoring harmony within ourselves, and helping us become more self-aware. Altogether, this helps us better understand ourselves on a deeper level. Additionally, it can help increase productivity and clarify decisions throughout life’s journey.
If you are looking for a way to relax and center yourself mentally, emotionally or spiritually, book a Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki session with Mandy at her studio in Yellow Springs, Ohio! Whether done online, via video or phone call or in person at her studio, you will find the peace that comes with connecting with yourself on another level while receiving the powerful healing benefits imparted by this ancient practice.
Mandy also shares her gift of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT®) and offers spiritual coaching, pet reiki and home energy clearings. She uses her intuition and the light of reiki to guide all her offerings. Mandy can help determine the best fit based on your needs. Reach out with questions or book now for an experience that will leave you feeling relaxed and energized!
Source: 1. Rand, William Lee. Reiki: The Healing Touch: First and Second Degree Manual, Revised and Expanded Edition. Vision Publications. ISBN 9780963156709 (ISBN10: 0963156705). August 1, 1998.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand.